Hoping for a high IELTS Speaking score? Here's what you must know

Jan 8
If you think IELTS Speaking is the hardest IELTS part, then you are not alone. Most of my past and present private IELTS students feel/felt the same. What makes it so challenging?

It only lasts about 11-14 minutes, so you simply don't have much time to think about your answers. 

Speaking good English is unfortunately not enough to get a high IELTS Speaking score. You need to speak the IELTS language. If you don't know how, keep reading!

1. But... what do I talk about?
This is one of the most common questions I get from IELTS takers. During the IELTS Speaking part you need to give the examiner lots of language. You do this by extending your answers. Here are some ways you can extend typical IELTS Speaking Part 1 answers:

  • talk about feelings and emotions.
  • talk about the past
  • talk about the future

Here are an example IELTS Speaking Part 1 question and short (not so good) and extended (better) answers to it.

1. Do you like dogs?
Short answer: Yes, I do. I have two dogs. 
Extended (better) answer 1 (adding feelings and emotions): Yes, I absolutely adore dogs. Sadly, I don't have a dog as I'm currently renting a flat and my landlord doesn't allow pets. If I lived in a place that allowed pets, then I would definitely get one. I would be over the moon then!

Extended (better) answer 2 (talking about the past): Yes, I do. I used to own a dog when I was little. I was totally obsessed with him. I would take him on long walks several times a week, snuggle up on the sofa with him, groom him and teach him various tricks. If I hadn't had him, my childhood wouldn't have been so much fun! Sadly he passed away when I was 16.

Extended (better) answer 3 (talking about the future): Yes, I do. I'm actually planning on getting a dog in the near future as I'm moving house in the next couple of months. My new house is much more spacious than my current one, and also has a large garden. I honestly can't wait to get a dog as I've recently been feeling rather lonely. Having a dog by my side will brighten up my days. 

For more ideas on how to extend your IELTS Speaking answers, make sure to watch my free 'How to smash your IELTS Speaking' webinar.

3. Do you have to use a lot of idioms?

Yes, you do have to use idioms if you're aiming for band 7+ BUT you certainly don't need to use them in every sentence. The good news is that for band 7 you don't even have to use them 100% accurately! There are quite a few super common idioms that can be used in pretty much every IELTS Speaking part. You can find them in my free 'How to smash your IELTS Speaking webinar. Trust me, once you've watched this webinar, using idioms during your IELTS Speaking will be a piece of cake! 🍰🍰🍰

3. Do you need to use many long and complex words to get a high IELTS Speaking score?

Absolutely not! Just look at this example IELTS Speaking Band 9 exam. Does the girl use any complex words? No, she doesn't. She uses simple words and articulates her ideas really well. The most important thing in IELTS Speaking is to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively. Using a wide range of vocabulary is beneficial, but it's more important to use words and phrases that you're comfortable with and that accurately convey your messages.

If you've made it to the end of this blog post, then this means that you're determined to smash your IELTS Speaking. Awesome! So now, take action.
👉Watch the 'How to smash your IELTS Speaking' webinar
👉 Let me know what you think about it
👉 Ask me if you have any questions.

Your biggest IELTS cheerleader,

Paulina x
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