
where you'll find tools to help you get the IELTS exam score you deserve
and speak clear and confident English every day!
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Give yourself the knowledge you deserve!

You speaking English confidently every day

is my mission. Knowing a foreign language is your superpower. Now that you know it, it's time to unleash it! I know full well how difficult learning a foreign language may be as I'm an avid language learner myself. I want you to know that you can master English and I'm here to guide your learning. 

Does this sound like you?

I often get blocked when speaking English.
I feel too embarrassed to speak with others.
I worry others will laugh at my mistakes.
I often forget words, phrases, idioms and grammar.
I struggle with everyday English.
I don't know how to study English effectively.

If YES, don't worry!

You're not alone! I'm here to help and guide your learning. Download the FREE Vocabulary Booster Guide below to help you boost your English vocabulary learning and make sure to check out the course catalogue for more resources to help you transform your life by transforming your English language learning! 

Discover 8 methods to boost your English vocabulary with the FREE Vocabulary Booster Guide

  • 8 methods
  • 100% tried and tested
  • 27 pages
  • 100% inspiration
  • 1 MEGA invitation at the end
Write your awesome label here.

Check out the Course Catalogue below to see how you can start skyrocketing your English today!

What my students say about working with me

I started to take lessons from Paulina almost 3 years ago. Learning languages is a long journey and I sometimes feel that my English fluency won’t get any better. But she always encourages me by telling me how good I am and motivates me to learn more. I believe that growing vocabulary is an essential key to improve fluency. In each lesson, Paulina makes sure that I learn new words and expressions through various topics. She carefully listens to what I say and occasionally stops me so that we explore the right words, alternatives and correct my grammar mistakes. In that way, I have improved my speaking skills and become more confident. I feel lucky that I’ve found her. Thank you Paulina for making my English learning journey fun!
Caori - Japan
Paulina is a GREAT professional, she makes the class very enjoyable and kindly corrects the aspects of English that need improvement. She also has the ability to adapt to various class styles and does so with confidence, for example if it is necessary to practice pronunciation, grammar, formal or informal conversations, Paulina will be a great ally in this learning path. I invite you to learn with her.
Moises - Colombia
Paulina’s lessons are what I was looking for. There is always positive energy and a lot of learning but not in a traditional way. Paulina is really flexible to my need to talk about different topics, about using English in real life and this is how we improve my vocabulary also. She writes down every new word and phrases so I can go through it after class. I feel more confident using everyday English thanks to our lessons.
Natalia - Poland
Paulina's smile, positivity and energy are incredible! She knows how it is to be a language student because she's studied foreign languages herself. She explains things very clearly and has a lot of useful tips and materials to help with my English.
Maura - Italy

Hey, I'm Paulina!

I've been an avid language learner (I know English, Polish, Italian and Spanish) for over three decades. In all those years I've always been on the hunt for the best, the most effective ways to learn. I used to be tired, frustrated, bored, even more frustrated when I couldn't see much progress with my language learning. I'm not anymore. I became an English Teacher to help you achieve the same too!

When I moved to the UK from Poland (my home country) over 15 years ago I found it really hard at first. I was so nervous to speak, super embarrassed every time I made mistakes, overwhelmed by how many things I didn't know. I quickly realised that I needed to take action and do something about it. I really wanted my English to shine! I started experimenting with different learning methods and finally found those that really work.

Results came quickly: my confidence grew immensely, my English kept getting better and better. I started feeling FREE. This helped me successfully complete my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at one of the best Universities in the UK (Loughborough University), grow my fitness career as part of the National UK Les Mills Trainer, Presenter and Assessor Team, and live a super happy life in the UK!

I very quickly realised that I wanted other people learning English to feel the same! I want YOU to feel free with your English too! I want to help YOU transform your life by transforming your English learning.
Write your awesome label here.

English is an incredible tool that will literally transform your life! Knowing it well will

  • help you grow in confidence!
  • help improve the quality of your life!
  • give you freedom!
  • increase your life enjoyment!

You can have all of these things too! I'm here to show you how!

My 6 teaching commandments

give my students the knowledge they deserve

by creating a personalised learning experience every time

create highly engaging courses

based on your feedback, needs and wants 

practise gratitude

for how many amazing people I get to work with!

give 100% of energy and motivation

whether it's my first or sixth lesson of the day!

connect with my students between lessons

to see what they've been up to and support them further!

celebrate my students' wins 

no matter how big or small!
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